Magical Trade Log
- mine, mine, mine: lovesongs02, sp-opening08 and circleoflife04
- lottery: 30
- traded pomp02 for Carole's fightingfor10
- blurry scene: streetsofgold10
- missing character: sothisislove06
- voice guess: gospeltruthone07 and astarisborn05
- lyrics in different languages: iwontsay04 and tinsoldier02
- blurry card: prologue20
- guess the song: gospeltruthone05
- updates: fightingfor07, haircut10, honortousall19, mulanst10 and babymine08
- traded canyoufeel17 and iwontsay11 for Kel's gospeltruthone10 and gospeltruthone20
- mastered love will find a way: happyending11, happyending12, awholenewworld15, pomp02 and kissthegirl15
- level up: onceuponadream17, bringyouasong15 and astarisborn19
- mastered once upon a dream: lovewillfind03, happyending10, springsong11, astarisborn03 and maintitles01
- word search: underthesea19 and courtofmiracles11
- lottery: awakening18, riteofspring13 and lovewillfind07
- pick a dwarf: 10
- spot the differences: worldreprise05 and astarisborn04
- more to do than can ever be done: maintitles05, perfectisnteasy16, gospeltruththree06, prejoin10, 20 and lovewillfind05
- traded member cards with Kel
- updates: sp-3months, sp-50members and sp-aprilfools
- random freebies: awholenewworld01 and fifthsymphony01
- a new fantastic point of view: oneofus19
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: batb19
- i know you: pinesofrome20 and kingofpriderock14
- listen with you heart: transformation05
- take a look at me: gospeltruthone17 and twoworlds20
- true as it can be: happyending03 and 10
- what a wonderful phrase: circleoflife19
- but still i cannot see: canyoufeel05 and youcanfly04
- everybody look left: upendi19
- it's music to me: nutcracker03
- put em together: lovewillfind20
- listen to the song: astarisborn01 and gaston02
- reflections: 30
- salagadoola: kingofpriderock13
- complete the set: madteaparty01 for twoworlds05
- traded gospeltruthtwo13 for Diane's riverbend01
- traded somethingthere05 and somethingthere16 for Kel's colorsofthewind20 and gospeltruthone02
- doubles: layout04 for hunchbackst07
- lottery: 30
- word search: goodcompany19, farewell20 and 10
- riverbend match: hellfire11
- updates: prologue15
- mine, mine, mine: 40
- updates: layout03, goodcompany15, atimeinnyc07, perfectisnteasy19, streetsofgold14, worry17, sp-100sets and sp-patrick
- blurry character: worry20 and 10
- scenery match: fifthsymphony19
- guess the soundtrack: transformation06
- mixed up titles: somethingthere05
- listen and guess: upendi17 and weareone08
- matching: 30
- puzzles: pomp19, maintitles11, beatingdrum19
- traded batb06 and somedaymyprince13 for Nina's lovesongs04
- lottery: tinsoldier14 and onejumpreprise02
- academy awards: task 7 completed - imlate14
- spot the differences: pinkelephants14 and helivesinyou20
- pick a dwarf: 30
- traded transformation09 for Krislynn's lovewillfind13
- level up: onceuponadream16, elephantfly16 and kissthegirl02
- double trade: babymine06, tinsoldier14 and helivesinyou20 for savagesone08, somedaymyprince13 and happyending08
- updates: astarisborn02, gospeltruthone08, gospeltruthtwo13, gospeltruththree08 and herculesst07
- random freebies: gospeltruthone12 and gospeltruththree12
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: prologue06 and 10
- i know you: transformation17
- listen with your heart: lovewillfind09
- take a look at me: herculesst05
- true as it can be: prologue12 and 10
- what a wonderful phrase: aeiou04
- traded somedaymyprince01 for Diane's colorsofthewind01
- traded member cards with Diane
- traded maintitles08 for Maidel's colrsofthewind07
- traded sanctuary16 for Liza's babymine09
- mastered rhapsody in blue: onceuponadream10, onceuponadream12, pomp10, oneofus18 and aeiou05
- academy awards: task 5 completed - belle19
- traded esmeraldasdance04 for Carole's babymine06
- traded topsyturvy05 and hunchbackst06 for Lady Anubis' babymine06, happyending06 and lovewillfind02
- paw print purchase: 40 of 10-pawprints and 5 of 20-pawprints for rhapsodyinblue02, 12, 16 and 17
- updates: pinkelephants03, elephantfly12 and dumbost10
- traded awholenewworld14 for Kel's babymine04
- forum freebies: upendi03 and riteofspring03
- academy awards: task 2 completed - virginiacompany06
- updates: 10 and rhapsodyinblue03
- all my life: batb06 and 10
- everybody look left, everybody look right: worldreprise13
- it's music to me: twoworlds03 and 10
- listen to the song: upendi08 and mylullaby18
- put em together: colorsofthewind05
- salagadoola: transformation03 and thekiss12
- puzzles: virginiacompany10, upendi20, iwontsay11
- memory: 10 and 20
- lottery: madteaparty14 and virginiacompany15
- word search: canyoufeel17, pomp20 and 10
- level up: rhapsodyinblue02, agrabah13 and sothisislove09
- traded beatingdrum10 and bibbidibobbidi04 for Samantha's rhapsodyinblue04 and happyending01
- traded member cards with Samantha
- traded maintitles02 for Maidel's colorsofthewind18
- lottery: beatingdrum15 and thewestwing13
- spot the differences: oodelally03 and agrabah04
- pick a dwarf: rhapsodyinblue01
- double trade: mylullaby19 for somedaymyprince01
- traded canyoufeel13 for Zooey's prologue04
- traded goldenafternoon16 and worldofmyown02 for Krislynn's lovewillfind14 and prologue03
- traded member cards with Krislynn
- updates: aguylikeyou17, esmeraldasdance04, sanctuary16, notredamereprise08, courtofmiracles03, topsyturvy05 and hunchbackst06
- random freebies: beatingdrum07 and virginiacompany07
- updates: savagesone10, beatingdrum10, virginiacompany02 and sp-2months
- a new fantastic point of view: oneofus01 and onejumpahead20
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: awholenewworld14 and 10
- i know you: oneofus02
- listen with your heart: helivesinyou20
- topsy turvy: prologue05
- true as it can be: aladdinst10
- what a wonderful phrase: twoworlds09
- traded mylullaby10 for Madeleine's rhapsodyinblue15
- completed stamp card: onceuponadream15 and lovewillfind15
- traded batb01 for Nina's rhapsodyinblue09
- traded underthesea01 for Maidel's worldreprise08
- academy award: task 1 completed - mylullaby19
- traded belle13, pastoral16, thewestwing02 and thewestwing16 for Liza's lovesongs05, lovewillfind17 and prologue09
- traded adreamisawish16 for Marieke's lovewillfind16
- traded member cards with Marieke
- updates: aeiou12, goldenafternoon16, worldofmyown02 and happyending05
- traded hakunamatata14 for Marie's rhapsodyinblue18
- traded member cards with Marie
- traded iwontsay13 for Elia's rhapsodyinblue14
- traded member cards with Elia
- traded kingofpriderock17 and kissthegirl14 for Kerri's lovewillfind07 and worldreprise09
- traded riverbend19 for Dan's happyending19
- traded onejumpahead08 for Lexi's worldreprise07
- traded outcasts19 for Kel's rhapsodyinblue20
- mastered part of your world: onceuponadream07, onceuponadream08, rhapsodyinblue19, helivesinyou09 and tinsoldier14
- level up: onceuponadream01, prologue10 and somedaymyprince14
- mine, mine, mine: 20, 20
- blurry character: mylullaby10 and 10
- it's music to me: belle13 and 10
- listen to the song: iwontsay02 and canyoufeel13
- put em together: riverbend08 and 10
- reflections: 30
- salagadoola: colorsofthewind02 and weareone16
- what a wonderful phrase: bibbidibobbidi04
- puzzles: happyending09, colorsofthewind08, thewestwing02, aladdinst02, partofyourworld07 and 20
- traded belle04 for Mina's rhapsodyinblue08
- word search: oodelally10, nutcracker18 and 10
- lottery: bellereprise14, partofyourworld05 and youcanfly16
- free to run around all day: twoworlds19, batb13 and 20
- updates: sp-1month, sp-valentine, layout04, partofyourworld08
- blend contest: awholenewworld05 and worldreprise10
- traded member cards with Dani
- traded beprepared17 for Dani's transformation15
- forum freebies: prologue14 and babymine14
- traded farewell02 for Ithil's rhapsodyinblue06
- traded farewell07 and farewell17 for Mysty's lovewillfind18 and rhapsodyinblue11
- traded member cards with Mysty
- mastered make a man: partofyourworld11, partofyourworld20, pastoral16, mylullaby19 and imlate19
- traded hakunamatata13, hakunamatata15, todiefor16, letsbellego12 and letsbellego19 for Kachii's happyending16, happyending20, makeaman16, partofyourworld15 and onceuponadream19
- updates: fifthsymphony17, carnival19, pomp16, rhapsodyinblue10, tinsoldier13, pinesofrome03 and riteofspring08
- random freebies: rhapsodyinblue05 and riteofspring06
- 3rd place in layout contest: makeaman19, outcasts07, carnival03, somethingthere16, fifthsymphony07 and 30
- traded batb06 for Liza's lovewillfind11
- traded fifthsymphony07 for Carole's onceuponadream02
- traded carnival19 for Zooey's lovewillfind06
- traded princeali06 for Lady Anubis' makeaman20
- traded member cards with Lady Anubis
- traded awholenewworld05 and circleoflife11 for Leslie's lovewillfind12 and rhapsodyinblue13
- traded ijustcantwait19 and riteofspring08 for Maidel's lovewillfind01 and lovewillfind19
- traded twoworlds04, twoworlds12 and colorsofthewind20 for Carole's happyending15, lovewillfind04 and lovewillfind10
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: riverbend19
- i know you: transformation09 and upendi04
- listen with your heart: maintitles08
- true as it can be: worldreprise14 and helivesinyou07
- pick a dwarf: lovesongs01
- updates: helivesinyou08, lovewillfind08, mylullaby12, oneofus06 and upendi11
- random freebies: awholenewworld02 and thekiss03
- traded outthere12 for Carole's partofyourworld18
- traded beprepared19 for Zooey's batb06
- doubles trade: kissthegirl03 and makeaman04 for weareone20 and bellereprise03
- traded circleoflife04 for Madeleine's partofyourworld10
- traded member cards with Madeleine
- traded agrabah13 for Vicky's makeaman18
- traded member cards with Vicky
- mastered reflection: prejoin34, farewell07, makeaman04 and iwontsay13
- word search: adreamisawish16, beprepared19 and 10
- riverbend match: maintitles02
- blend entry: underthesea01, thewestwing18 and 10
- layout entry: todiefor16, colorsofthewind11 and 50
- lottery: kiss the girl03
- mastered pre-join: makeaman12, makeaman13, farewell02 and lovesongs06
- level up: makeaman10, onejumpahead19 and thewestwing08
- completed stamp card: reflection19 and partofyourworld19
- all my life: partofyourworld09
- it's music to me: worldreprise06
- put em together: maintitles09 and 10
- listen to the song: twoworlds12 and 10
- matching: 10
- salagadoola: belle08 and colorsofthewind20
- puzzle: happyending02, somethingthere14, maintitles04, prejoin18, bellereprise15, canyoufeel06, 20 and makeaman08
- what a wonderful phrase: happyending07
- traded onceuponadream02 for Zooey's reflection13
- traded member cards with Zooey
- random freebies: circleoflife14 and prologue18
- mine, mine, mine: maintitles01
- lottery: reflection05
- spot the differences: onejumpahead06 and hakunamatata15
- pick a dwarf: agrabah13
- mine, mine, mine: 10
- updates: reflection04
- a new fantastic point of view: batb15 and 10
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: prologue11 and 10
- i know you: somethingthere13 and 20
- listen with your heart: batb20 and 10
- reflections: weareone07 and 10
- topsy turvy: prologue01 and 10
- true as it can be: makeaman01, circleoflife09 and 10
- what's the word: onceuponadream06 and happyending17
- traded notredame17 for Carole's worldreprise02
- traded member cards with Carole
- traded somethingthere15 and belle16 for Amy's babymine15 and worldreprise15
- traded member cards with Amy
- traded iwontsay19, awholenewworld11, somethingthere01 and somethingthere17 for Liza's prejoin12 and special03
- traded kingofpriderock04 for Beni's partofyourworld02
- traded member cards with Beni
- mastered kiss the girl: reflection01, reflection02, twoworlds04, ijustcantwait19 and colorsofthewind10
- traded circleoflife19 and hakunamatata04 for Marie's makeaman14 and reflection14
- traded nutcracker15 for Liza's worldreprise11
- traded member cards with Liza
- traded oodelally07 for Madeleine's partofyourworld12
- word search: letsbellego12, belle16 and 10
- level up: kissthegirl04, outcasts19 and farewell05
- traded gaston08 for Maidel's reflection08
- traded member cards with Maidel
- lottery: kingofpriderock04 and partofyourworld16
- all my life i memorize their faces: bellereprise02 and 10
- don't you mind: iwontsay06 and 20
- it's music to me: babymine07 and 10
- put em together: somethingthere15 and 10
- salagadoola: worldreprise10
- what a wonderful phrase: happyending18
- listen to the song: happyending04 and 10
- more to do: colorsofthewind17, iwontsay01, reflection06, prejoin08, kingofpriderock17 and prejoin27
- riverbend match: oodelally07
- updates: onceuponadream03
- updates: iwontsay19, savagestwo20, weareone11 and reflection17
- random freebies: iwontsay07
- mine, mine, mine: partofyourworld17
- forum freebies: circleoflife03, hakunamatata04, partofyourworld03 and 30
- traded adreamisawish01 and painting01 for Kachii's onceuponadream14 and partofyourworld01
- traded member cards with Kachii
- traded onejumpahead01, onejumpahead02 and onejumpreprise09 for Carole's prejoin20 and partofyourworld06
- spot the differences: onejumpahead01 and kissthegirl14
- pick a dwarf: 30
- level up: kissthegirl09, onejumpreprise09 and colorsofthewind13
- mine, mine, mine: special02
- lottery: farewell17
- a new fantastic point of view: onceuponadream05 and 10
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: onceuponadream18 and 10
- everybody look left, everybody look right: onceuponadream02 and 10
- i know you: reflection07 and 10
- listen with your heart: transformation14 and 10
- reflections: onceuponadream13
- topsy turvy: somethingthere17 and 10
- true as it can be: circleoflife04, transformation20 and 10
- traded todiefor11 and colorsofthewind19 for Sarah's makeaman15 and worldreprise12
- traded member cards with Sarah
- traded circleoflife02 for Corinna's reflection20
- updates: reflection03
- member card: princeali06
- traded member cards with nina
- traded canyoufeel04 for Dianna's partofyourworld14
- traded member cards with Dianna
- traded awakening07 for Tex's partofyourworld13
- level badge donations (2 sets): kissthegirl13, kissthegirl17, onejumpahead02, canyoufeel04, gaston08, colorsofthewind19, partofyourworld04 and farewell08
- updates: kissthegirl10, makeaman03, special11, letsbellego19, thewestwing16 and todiefor11
- traded canyoufeel09 for Dianna's reflection18
- traded imlate01 and imlate09 for Heaven's babymine13 and makeaman11
- traded member cards with Heaven
- traded letsbellego03 and beourguest07 for Vicky's prejoin38
- level up: kissthegirl20, onceuponadream20 and letsbellego03
- traded worldreprise04 for Jessy's makeaman07
- spot differences: imlate09
- traded circleoflife14 for Sarah's makeman04
- traded colorsofthewind18 for Stephanie's babymine12
- updates: nutcracker15, pastoral04 and apprentice03
- random freebies: apprentice04
- reflections: 10
- all my life i memorize their faces: onceuponadream04 and 10
- don't you mind what they say: awholenewword11 and 20
- it's music to me: batb01 and 10
- listen to the song: makeaman17, belle04 and 10
- put em together and what've you got: awholenewworld05 and 10
- more to do than can ever be done: riverbend03, somethingthere01 and kissthegirl06
- salagadoola: circleoflife02 and 10
- what a wonderful phrase: reflection10
- card claim: makeaman05, makeaman06 and makeaman09
- pick a dwarf: 10
- word search: onceuponadream11, hakunamatata13 and 10
- updates: imlate01, madteaparty01, painting01, special04, layout01, special09 and special10
- traded hellfire07 for Shell's babymine05
- survey: bibbidibobbidi15 and beprepared17
- updates: kissthegirl02 and prejoin05
- traded onejumpahead12 and thekiss02 for Carole's babymine02 and reflection16
- traded underthesea18 for Rainey's babymine11
- traded prologue04 for Colette's babymine03
- starter pack up: kissthegirl19
- updates: 30
-wouldn't you think my collection's complete: kissthegirl18 and reflection11
- traded partofyourworld13 for Jessy's kissthegirl15
- starter pack: kissthegirl05, kissthegirl11, kissthegirl12, kissthegirl16, awakening07, canyoufeel09, circleoflife14, colorsofthewind18, makeaman02, hakunamatata14, happyending14, hellfire07, onceuponadream09, onejumpahead12, outthere12, prologue04, reflection15, thekiss02, underthesea18, worldreprise04 and prejoin25
- updates: somedaymyprince01 and babymine01
- random freebies: worldreprise03
- a new fantastic point of view: kissthegirl14
- everybody look left, everybody look right: kissthegirl07
- i know you: reflection12
- topsy turvy, everything is upsy-daisy: circleoflife11 and onejumpahead08
- true as it can be: kissthegirl03 and circleoflife06
- listen with your heart: kissthegirl08
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: circleoflife19
- free to run around all day: reflection09 and beourguest07
- level up: kissthegirl01, adreamisawish01 and notredame17
- what's the word: partofyourworld13 and worldreprise01
- prejoin06
- mine, mine, mine: lovesongs02, sp-opening08 and circleoflife04
- lottery: 30
- traded pomp02 for Carole's fightingfor10
- blurry scene: streetsofgold10
- missing character: sothisislove06
- voice guess: gospeltruthone07 and astarisborn05
- lyrics in different languages: iwontsay04 and tinsoldier02
- blurry card: prologue20
- guess the song: gospeltruthone05
- updates: fightingfor07, haircut10, honortousall19, mulanst10 and babymine08
- traded canyoufeel17 and iwontsay11 for Kel's gospeltruthone10 and gospeltruthone20
- mastered love will find a way: happyending11, happyending12, awholenewworld15, pomp02 and kissthegirl15
- level up: onceuponadream17, bringyouasong15 and astarisborn19
- mastered once upon a dream: lovewillfind03, happyending10, springsong11, astarisborn03 and maintitles01
- word search: underthesea19 and courtofmiracles11
- lottery: awakening18, riteofspring13 and lovewillfind07
- pick a dwarf: 10
- spot the differences: worldreprise05 and astarisborn04
- more to do than can ever be done: maintitles05, perfectisnteasy16, gospeltruththree06, prejoin10, 20 and lovewillfind05
- traded member cards with Kel
- updates: sp-3months, sp-50members and sp-aprilfools
- random freebies: awholenewworld01 and fifthsymphony01
- a new fantastic point of view: oneofus19
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: batb19
- i know you: pinesofrome20 and kingofpriderock14
- listen with you heart: transformation05
- take a look at me: gospeltruthone17 and twoworlds20
- true as it can be: happyending03 and 10
- what a wonderful phrase: circleoflife19
- but still i cannot see: canyoufeel05 and youcanfly04
- everybody look left: upendi19
- it's music to me: nutcracker03
- put em together: lovewillfind20
- listen to the song: astarisborn01 and gaston02
- reflections: 30
- salagadoola: kingofpriderock13
- complete the set: madteaparty01 for twoworlds05
- traded gospeltruthtwo13 for Diane's riverbend01
- traded somethingthere05 and somethingthere16 for Kel's colorsofthewind20 and gospeltruthone02
- doubles: layout04 for hunchbackst07
- lottery: 30
- word search: goodcompany19, farewell20 and 10
- riverbend match: hellfire11
- updates: prologue15
- mine, mine, mine: 40
- updates: layout03, goodcompany15, atimeinnyc07, perfectisnteasy19, streetsofgold14, worry17, sp-100sets and sp-patrick
- blurry character: worry20 and 10
- scenery match: fifthsymphony19
- guess the soundtrack: transformation06
- mixed up titles: somethingthere05
- listen and guess: upendi17 and weareone08
- matching: 30
- puzzles: pomp19, maintitles11, beatingdrum19
- traded batb06 and somedaymyprince13 for Nina's lovesongs04
- lottery: tinsoldier14 and onejumpreprise02
- academy awards: task 7 completed - imlate14
- spot the differences: pinkelephants14 and helivesinyou20
- pick a dwarf: 30
- traded transformation09 for Krislynn's lovewillfind13
- level up: onceuponadream16, elephantfly16 and kissthegirl02
- double trade: babymine06, tinsoldier14 and helivesinyou20 for savagesone08, somedaymyprince13 and happyending08
- updates: astarisborn02, gospeltruthone08, gospeltruthtwo13, gospeltruththree08 and herculesst07
- random freebies: gospeltruthone12 and gospeltruththree12
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: prologue06 and 10
- i know you: transformation17
- listen with your heart: lovewillfind09
- take a look at me: herculesst05
- true as it can be: prologue12 and 10
- what a wonderful phrase: aeiou04
- traded somedaymyprince01 for Diane's colorsofthewind01
- traded member cards with Diane
- traded maintitles08 for Maidel's colrsofthewind07
- traded sanctuary16 for Liza's babymine09
- mastered rhapsody in blue: onceuponadream10, onceuponadream12, pomp10, oneofus18 and aeiou05
- academy awards: task 5 completed - belle19
- traded esmeraldasdance04 for Carole's babymine06
- traded topsyturvy05 and hunchbackst06 for Lady Anubis' babymine06, happyending06 and lovewillfind02
- paw print purchase: 40 of 10-pawprints and 5 of 20-pawprints for rhapsodyinblue02, 12, 16 and 17
- updates: pinkelephants03, elephantfly12 and dumbost10
- traded awholenewworld14 for Kel's babymine04
- forum freebies: upendi03 and riteofspring03
- academy awards: task 2 completed - virginiacompany06
- updates: 10 and rhapsodyinblue03
- all my life: batb06 and 10
- everybody look left, everybody look right: worldreprise13
- it's music to me: twoworlds03 and 10
- listen to the song: upendi08 and mylullaby18
- put em together: colorsofthewind05
- salagadoola: transformation03 and thekiss12
- puzzles: virginiacompany10, upendi20, iwontsay11
- memory: 10 and 20
- lottery: madteaparty14 and virginiacompany15
- word search: canyoufeel17, pomp20 and 10
- level up: rhapsodyinblue02, agrabah13 and sothisislove09
- traded beatingdrum10 and bibbidibobbidi04 for Samantha's rhapsodyinblue04 and happyending01
- traded member cards with Samantha
- traded maintitles02 for Maidel's colorsofthewind18
- lottery: beatingdrum15 and thewestwing13
- spot the differences: oodelally03 and agrabah04
- pick a dwarf: rhapsodyinblue01
- double trade: mylullaby19 for somedaymyprince01
- traded canyoufeel13 for Zooey's prologue04
- traded goldenafternoon16 and worldofmyown02 for Krislynn's lovewillfind14 and prologue03
- traded member cards with Krislynn
- updates: aguylikeyou17, esmeraldasdance04, sanctuary16, notredamereprise08, courtofmiracles03, topsyturvy05 and hunchbackst06
- random freebies: beatingdrum07 and virginiacompany07
- updates: savagesone10, beatingdrum10, virginiacompany02 and sp-2months
- a new fantastic point of view: oneofus01 and onejumpahead20
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: awholenewworld14 and 10
- i know you: oneofus02
- listen with your heart: helivesinyou20
- topsy turvy: prologue05
- true as it can be: aladdinst10
- what a wonderful phrase: twoworlds09
- traded mylullaby10 for Madeleine's rhapsodyinblue15
- completed stamp card: onceuponadream15 and lovewillfind15
- traded batb01 for Nina's rhapsodyinblue09
- traded underthesea01 for Maidel's worldreprise08
- academy award: task 1 completed - mylullaby19
- traded belle13, pastoral16, thewestwing02 and thewestwing16 for Liza's lovesongs05, lovewillfind17 and prologue09
- traded adreamisawish16 for Marieke's lovewillfind16
- traded member cards with Marieke
- updates: aeiou12, goldenafternoon16, worldofmyown02 and happyending05
- traded hakunamatata14 for Marie's rhapsodyinblue18
- traded member cards with Marie
- traded iwontsay13 for Elia's rhapsodyinblue14
- traded member cards with Elia
- traded kingofpriderock17 and kissthegirl14 for Kerri's lovewillfind07 and worldreprise09
- traded riverbend19 for Dan's happyending19
- traded onejumpahead08 for Lexi's worldreprise07
- traded outcasts19 for Kel's rhapsodyinblue20
- mastered part of your world: onceuponadream07, onceuponadream08, rhapsodyinblue19, helivesinyou09 and tinsoldier14
- level up: onceuponadream01, prologue10 and somedaymyprince14
- mine, mine, mine: 20, 20
- blurry character: mylullaby10 and 10
- it's music to me: belle13 and 10
- listen to the song: iwontsay02 and canyoufeel13
- put em together: riverbend08 and 10
- reflections: 30
- salagadoola: colorsofthewind02 and weareone16
- what a wonderful phrase: bibbidibobbidi04
- puzzles: happyending09, colorsofthewind08, thewestwing02, aladdinst02, partofyourworld07 and 20
- traded belle04 for Mina's rhapsodyinblue08
- word search: oodelally10, nutcracker18 and 10
- lottery: bellereprise14, partofyourworld05 and youcanfly16
- free to run around all day: twoworlds19, batb13 and 20
- updates: sp-1month, sp-valentine, layout04, partofyourworld08
- blend contest: awholenewworld05 and worldreprise10
- traded member cards with Dani
- traded beprepared17 for Dani's transformation15
- forum freebies: prologue14 and babymine14
- traded farewell02 for Ithil's rhapsodyinblue06
- traded farewell07 and farewell17 for Mysty's lovewillfind18 and rhapsodyinblue11
- traded member cards with Mysty
- mastered make a man: partofyourworld11, partofyourworld20, pastoral16, mylullaby19 and imlate19
- traded hakunamatata13, hakunamatata15, todiefor16, letsbellego12 and letsbellego19 for Kachii's happyending16, happyending20, makeaman16, partofyourworld15 and onceuponadream19
- updates: fifthsymphony17, carnival19, pomp16, rhapsodyinblue10, tinsoldier13, pinesofrome03 and riteofspring08
- random freebies: rhapsodyinblue05 and riteofspring06
- 3rd place in layout contest: makeaman19, outcasts07, carnival03, somethingthere16, fifthsymphony07 and 30
- traded batb06 for Liza's lovewillfind11
- traded fifthsymphony07 for Carole's onceuponadream02
- traded carnival19 for Zooey's lovewillfind06
- traded princeali06 for Lady Anubis' makeaman20
- traded member cards with Lady Anubis
- traded awholenewworld05 and circleoflife11 for Leslie's lovewillfind12 and rhapsodyinblue13
- traded ijustcantwait19 and riteofspring08 for Maidel's lovewillfind01 and lovewillfind19
- traded twoworlds04, twoworlds12 and colorsofthewind20 for Carole's happyending15, lovewillfind04 and lovewillfind10
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: riverbend19
- i know you: transformation09 and upendi04
- listen with your heart: maintitles08
- true as it can be: worldreprise14 and helivesinyou07
- pick a dwarf: lovesongs01
- updates: helivesinyou08, lovewillfind08, mylullaby12, oneofus06 and upendi11
- random freebies: awholenewworld02 and thekiss03
- traded outthere12 for Carole's partofyourworld18
- traded beprepared19 for Zooey's batb06
- doubles trade: kissthegirl03 and makeaman04 for weareone20 and bellereprise03
- traded circleoflife04 for Madeleine's partofyourworld10
- traded member cards with Madeleine
- traded agrabah13 for Vicky's makeaman18
- traded member cards with Vicky
- mastered reflection: prejoin34, farewell07, makeaman04 and iwontsay13
- word search: adreamisawish16, beprepared19 and 10
- riverbend match: maintitles02
- blend entry: underthesea01, thewestwing18 and 10
- layout entry: todiefor16, colorsofthewind11 and 50
- lottery: kiss the girl03
- mastered pre-join: makeaman12, makeaman13, farewell02 and lovesongs06
- level up: makeaman10, onejumpahead19 and thewestwing08
- completed stamp card: reflection19 and partofyourworld19
- all my life: partofyourworld09
- it's music to me: worldreprise06
- put em together: maintitles09 and 10
- listen to the song: twoworlds12 and 10
- matching: 10
- salagadoola: belle08 and colorsofthewind20
- puzzle: happyending02, somethingthere14, maintitles04, prejoin18, bellereprise15, canyoufeel06, 20 and makeaman08
- what a wonderful phrase: happyending07
- traded onceuponadream02 for Zooey's reflection13
- traded member cards with Zooey
- random freebies: circleoflife14 and prologue18
- mine, mine, mine: maintitles01
- lottery: reflection05
- spot the differences: onejumpahead06 and hakunamatata15
- pick a dwarf: agrabah13
- mine, mine, mine: 10
- updates: reflection04
- a new fantastic point of view: batb15 and 10
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: prologue11 and 10
- i know you: somethingthere13 and 20
- listen with your heart: batb20 and 10
- reflections: weareone07 and 10
- topsy turvy: prologue01 and 10
- true as it can be: makeaman01, circleoflife09 and 10
- what's the word: onceuponadream06 and happyending17
- traded notredame17 for Carole's worldreprise02
- traded member cards with Carole
- traded somethingthere15 and belle16 for Amy's babymine15 and worldreprise15
- traded member cards with Amy
- traded iwontsay19, awholenewworld11, somethingthere01 and somethingthere17 for Liza's prejoin12 and special03
- traded kingofpriderock04 for Beni's partofyourworld02
- traded member cards with Beni
- mastered kiss the girl: reflection01, reflection02, twoworlds04, ijustcantwait19 and colorsofthewind10
- traded circleoflife19 and hakunamatata04 for Marie's makeaman14 and reflection14
- traded nutcracker15 for Liza's worldreprise11
- traded member cards with Liza
- traded oodelally07 for Madeleine's partofyourworld12
- word search: letsbellego12, belle16 and 10
- level up: kissthegirl04, outcasts19 and farewell05
- traded gaston08 for Maidel's reflection08
- traded member cards with Maidel
- lottery: kingofpriderock04 and partofyourworld16
- all my life i memorize their faces: bellereprise02 and 10
- don't you mind: iwontsay06 and 20
- it's music to me: babymine07 and 10
- put em together: somethingthere15 and 10
- salagadoola: worldreprise10
- what a wonderful phrase: happyending18
- listen to the song: happyending04 and 10
- more to do: colorsofthewind17, iwontsay01, reflection06, prejoin08, kingofpriderock17 and prejoin27
- riverbend match: oodelally07
- updates: onceuponadream03
- updates: iwontsay19, savagestwo20, weareone11 and reflection17
- random freebies: iwontsay07
- mine, mine, mine: partofyourworld17
- forum freebies: circleoflife03, hakunamatata04, partofyourworld03 and 30
- traded adreamisawish01 and painting01 for Kachii's onceuponadream14 and partofyourworld01
- traded member cards with Kachii
- traded onejumpahead01, onejumpahead02 and onejumpreprise09 for Carole's prejoin20 and partofyourworld06
- spot the differences: onejumpahead01 and kissthegirl14
- pick a dwarf: 30
- level up: kissthegirl09, onejumpreprise09 and colorsofthewind13
- mine, mine, mine: special02
- lottery: farewell17
- a new fantastic point of view: onceuponadream05 and 10
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: onceuponadream18 and 10
- everybody look left, everybody look right: onceuponadream02 and 10
- i know you: reflection07 and 10
- listen with your heart: transformation14 and 10
- reflections: onceuponadream13
- topsy turvy: somethingthere17 and 10
- true as it can be: circleoflife04, transformation20 and 10
- traded todiefor11 and colorsofthewind19 for Sarah's makeaman15 and worldreprise12
- traded member cards with Sarah
- traded circleoflife02 for Corinna's reflection20
- updates: reflection03
- member card: princeali06
- traded member cards with nina
- traded canyoufeel04 for Dianna's partofyourworld14
- traded member cards with Dianna
- traded awakening07 for Tex's partofyourworld13
- level badge donations (2 sets): kissthegirl13, kissthegirl17, onejumpahead02, canyoufeel04, gaston08, colorsofthewind19, partofyourworld04 and farewell08
- updates: kissthegirl10, makeaman03, special11, letsbellego19, thewestwing16 and todiefor11
- traded canyoufeel09 for Dianna's reflection18
- traded imlate01 and imlate09 for Heaven's babymine13 and makeaman11
- traded member cards with Heaven
- traded letsbellego03 and beourguest07 for Vicky's prejoin38
- level up: kissthegirl20, onceuponadream20 and letsbellego03
- traded worldreprise04 for Jessy's makeaman07
- spot differences: imlate09
- traded circleoflife14 for Sarah's makeman04
- traded colorsofthewind18 for Stephanie's babymine12
- updates: nutcracker15, pastoral04 and apprentice03
- random freebies: apprentice04
- reflections: 10
- all my life i memorize their faces: onceuponadream04 and 10
- don't you mind what they say: awholenewword11 and 20
- it's music to me: batb01 and 10
- listen to the song: makeaman17, belle04 and 10
- put em together and what've you got: awholenewworld05 and 10
- more to do than can ever be done: riverbend03, somethingthere01 and kissthegirl06
- salagadoola: circleoflife02 and 10
- what a wonderful phrase: reflection10
- card claim: makeaman05, makeaman06 and makeaman09
- pick a dwarf: 10
- word search: onceuponadream11, hakunamatata13 and 10
- updates: imlate01, madteaparty01, painting01, special04, layout01, special09 and special10
- traded hellfire07 for Shell's babymine05
- survey: bibbidibobbidi15 and beprepared17
- updates: kissthegirl02 and prejoin05
- traded onejumpahead12 and thekiss02 for Carole's babymine02 and reflection16
- traded underthesea18 for Rainey's babymine11
- traded prologue04 for Colette's babymine03
- starter pack up: kissthegirl19
- updates: 30
-wouldn't you think my collection's complete: kissthegirl18 and reflection11
- traded partofyourworld13 for Jessy's kissthegirl15
- starter pack: kissthegirl05, kissthegirl11, kissthegirl12, kissthegirl16, awakening07, canyoufeel09, circleoflife14, colorsofthewind18, makeaman02, hakunamatata14, happyending14, hellfire07, onceuponadream09, onejumpahead12, outthere12, prologue04, reflection15, thekiss02, underthesea18, worldreprise04 and prejoin25
- updates: somedaymyprince01 and babymine01
- random freebies: worldreprise03
- a new fantastic point of view: kissthegirl14
- everybody look left, everybody look right: kissthegirl07
- i know you: reflection12
- topsy turvy, everything is upsy-daisy: circleoflife11 and onejumpahead08
- true as it can be: kissthegirl03 and circleoflife06
- listen with your heart: kissthegirl08
- bibbidi bobbidi boo: circleoflife19
- free to run around all day: reflection09 and beourguest07
- level up: kissthegirl01, adreamisawish01 and notredame17
- what's the word: partofyourworld13 and worldreprise01
- prejoin06
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